Prayer and Fasting– Oración y Ayuno

Bible Baptist Temple 706 South Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Day of Prayer and Fasting Today is our day of Prayer and Fasting. We need the Lord our God! Don’t you agree? Our God has been our great guide, and strength for the past 50 years. We need Him more now than ever. Today, let us exercise this same great faith that has sustained us […]

Church Prayer Vigil– Noche de Oración y Vigilia

Bible Baptist Temple 706 South Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Church Prayer and Vigil Night Tonight is Church Prayer and Vigil Night at BBT. Whether it’s personal closeness to the Lord, a stronger faith in God, or the salvation of a friends and loved ones, we need to diligently go to God for an answer. God expect us to watch and pray! We are God’s […]

Ladies Fellowship– Compañerismo de Damas

Bible Baptist Temple 706 South Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Ladies Fellowship The Bible Baptist Temple’s Ladies Fellowship is a gathering built to help women walk better and together in Christ. We do this by promoting a better love for God, and others in today’s trying times. The Ladies Fellowships include time to study the Bible, a time of prayer, and a great time shared […]

Vertical Marriage Conference

First Bible Baptist Church 990 Manitou Road, Hilton, NY, United States

Vertical Marriage Conference (Conferencia Matrimonial en Inglés) Vertical Marriage Conference. Bible Baptist Temple (BBT) invites couples to join us at the Vertical Marriage Conference held at First Bible Baptist Church in Hilton NY. You are needed for this event! Why, because we believe this will help strengthen your marriage in Christ. Also, because we believe […]

Youth and Family Gathering– Encuentro de Jóvenes y Familias


Youth and Family Gathering This evening is Bible Baptist Temple’s (BBT) Youth and Family Gathering. You are invited to join us for a time of family gathering around the word of God, family, and friends. The purpose of this Sunday evening gathering is to encourage youth, friends, and families to a closer relationship with Jesus […]
