Mar '22

Pray for Ukraine
Mar '22

Understanding the desperate state of this present world, and the position of the God of the Bible who has created it, followers of Jesus Christ must intercede in prayer for our world. This world’s ultimate end is described in John’s revelation. This world will perish but God’s desire is that none should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). I urge you to take a minute to stop whatever you are doing to pray for Ukraine.
Today, when you hear someone mention Ukraine, or you see a Ukrainian business or church, pray for Ukraine.
Please take at least 1 minute today to pray for Ukraine using the following outline and by whatever else the Lord puts on your heart:
(1) For the Ukrainian people,
(2) For Godly wisdom for world leaders, and
(3) For God’s hand over our Christian brothers and sister in Ukraine.